Self-circulating (Filter Type)
Enclosed · Self-circulating reagent waste safety cabinet
1 door
Purpose of use
Technical Specifications
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※ Specification are subject to change without notice for improved performance
Standard / Model | ZEO-SW7LFC | ZEO-SW7LF | |
External | External Size(WxDxH)mm | 400 x 600 x 800 | 400 x 600 x 800 |
Material | CR + Chemical resistance powder coating | CR + Chemical resistance powder coating | |
Waste Container Capacity | 20 L container | 20 L container | |
Funnel Inlet Size | Ø 176 / Anti-static | Ø 176 / Anti-static | |
Filter | Circulation Filter | Chemical filter | Chemical filter |
Vent Filter | Circular filter | Circular filter | |
Alarm | Reagent waste level sensor | Reagent waste level sensor | |
Lock System | Cam Lock | Cam Lock | |
Unit Weight | 45 kg | 45 kg | |
Power | 220 V / 60 Hz | 220 V / 60 Hz | |
- | - |
Enclosed type
- Fully-enclosed structure prevents contaminated air from flowing out the cabinet

- Check operation through controller
- A reagent level sensor built into the waste reagent cabinet activates an alarm when more than 90 % of the reagent is collected in the container.

Purification system (safety funnel)
- Purifies harmful gas and odor
- Prevent increase in internal pressure of the waste container
Slide rail
- built-in slide rail for users convenience.

Enclosed · Self-circulating reagent waste safety cabinet
2 door
Purpose of use
Technical Specifications
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※ Specification are subject to change without notice for improved performance
Standard / Model | ZEO-SW14LFC | ZEO-SW14LF | |
External | External Size(WxDxH)mm | 800 x 600 x 800 | 800 x 600 x 800 |
Material | CR + Chemical resistance powder coating | CR + Chemical resistance powder coating | |
Waste Container Capacity | 20 L container X 2 EA | 20 L container X 2 EA | |
Funnel Inlet Size | Ø 176 / Anti-static | Ø 176 / Anti-static | |
Filter | Circulation Filter | Chemical filter | Chemical filter |
Vent Filter | Circular filter | Circular filter | |
Alarm | Reagent waste level sensor | Reagent waste level sensor | |
Lock System | Cam Lock | Cam Lock | |
Unit Weight | 90 kg | 90 kg | |
Power | 220 V / 60 Hz | 220 V / 60 Hz | |
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Enclosed type
- Fully-enclosed structure prevents contaminated air from flowing out the cabinet

- Check operation through controller
- A reagent level sensor built into the waste reagent cabinet activates an alarm when more than 90 % of the reagent is collected in the container.

Purification system (safety funnel)
- Purifies harmful gas and odor
- Prevent increase in internal pressure of the waste container
Slide rail
- built-in slide rail for users convenience.

Enclosed · Self-circulating reagent waste safety cabinet
2 doors
Purpose of use
Technical Specifications
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※ Specification are subject to change without notice for improved performance
Standard / Model | ZEO-SW30LC | ZEO-SW30L | |
External (규격) | External Size(WxDxH) mm | 870 x 550 x 1,350 | 870 x 550 x 1,200 |
Meterial | CR + Chemical resistance powder coating | CR + Chemical resistance powder coating | |
Waste Container Capacity | 20 L container x 2 EA | 20 L container x 2 EA | |
Funnel Inlet Size | Ø 176 / Anti-static x 2 EA | Ø 176 / Anti-static x 2 EA | |
Filter | Vent Filter | Circular filter | Circular filter |
Lock System | Latch | Latch | |
Unit Weight | 83 kg | 83 kg |
성상에 따른 분리보관·배출이 용이
- 페시약 처리공간과 저장공간이 분리되어 있어 안전하고 효율적임
- 폐시약 보관 용기에 보관되는 폐시약의 종류에 따라 폐시약 안전 깔때기 색상을 다르게 하여 폐액 혼합에 의한 폐약의 반응을 방지함
유해가스 정화 시스템
- 이중구조의 폐시약 안전 깔때기 내부에 원형필터가 장착되어 악취 및 유해가스를 제거
래치·슬라이드 방식의 용기 보관함
- 폐시약 보관용기 보관함이 슬라이드 방식으로 제작되어 폐시약 보관 용기를 편리하게 꺼낼 수 있음
- 선반이 전도되지 않도록 레치방식을 택해 용기의 안전성 확보

폐액량 지시계
- 폐시약 보관 용기에 장착된 폐액량 지시계에 의해 폐시약 보관 용기 안의 폐액량 표시기능
- 폐시약 보관 용기 용량의 70 %부터 수위를 표시하는 빨간색의 부표가 올라와 폐액통의 교체 시기를 알 수 있음

Enclosed · Self-circulating reagent waste safety cabinet
2 doors
Patent No.10-2098724 (Reagent waste safety cabinet)
Purpose of use
Technical Specifications
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※ Specification are subject to change without notice for improved performance
Standard / Model | ZEO-SW40LC | ZEO-SW40L | |
External | External Size(WxDxH)mm | 1,200 x 550 x 1,350 | 1,200 x 550 x 1,350 |
Meterial | CR + Chemical resistance powder coating | CR + Chemical resistance powder coating | |
Waste Container Capacity | 20 L container x 4 EA | 20 L container x 4 EA | |
Funnel Inlet Size | Ø 176 / Anti-static x 4 EA | Ø 176 / Anti-static x 4 EA | |
Filter | Vent Filter | Circular filter | Circular filter |
Lock System | Latch | Latch | |
Unit Weight | 90 kg | 90 kg | |
Option | Exhaust type (exhaust Ø 100) Can be changed to Enclosed type | - | |
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Separated storage according to the reagent
- safe and efficient as waste reagent are treated and stored separately
- Different colored funnels depending on the reagent type (Avoid waste reagent from being mixed)
Purification system
- Circular filter inside the funnel removes odor and harmful gas
- Chemical filter removes harmful gas inside the cabinet
Slide / Latch method shelves
- Convenient to install or remove waste container with sliding shelves
- The waste reagent container is secured with a latch method
Waste reagent indicator
- The reagent waste indicator displays volume of reagent waste in the container
- The reagent waste level buoys will be uploaded to show when they need to be replaced from 70 % and above